In 2008, a game called Mars Explorer flickered to life. You could drive flying cars up giant volcanoes while playing laser tag with your friends. Mars Explorer became the most popular OS X dashboard game on Apple.com, and received critical acclaim in that year's Unity Awards.
Hundreds of thousands of players from around the world banded together in an artistic and creative experience. The core community organized clans, scheduled regular events, wrote fan fiction, and produced lovingly-crafted custom worlds. The strength and loyalty of this community has been an inspiration for many, including all of us here at Terran Labs.
Hundreds of high school students discovered computer programming, 3D modeling, and digital audio while building virtual worlds and vehicles for the game. A few of you have already transformed that passion into professional careers. We applaud you for changing the world.
In 2015, Mars Explorer was officially retired as an active project. Many of you took the opportunity to share a few kind words. Thanks again, dear friends!
In 2017, Terran Labs is thrilled to announce that Syn3h will be carrying Mars Explorer's vision of technology-enabled creative expression into the future. Syn3h connects you with pro-level game design tools for free, and can instantly transform your creations into multiplayer realities shared with a friendly, welcoming community.
The future belongs to creators.
Join us.
Hundreds of thousands of players from around the world banded together in an artistic and creative experience. The core community organized clans, scheduled regular events, wrote fan fiction, and produced lovingly-crafted custom worlds. The strength and loyalty of this community has been an inspiration for many, including all of us here at Terran Labs.
Hundreds of high school students discovered computer programming, 3D modeling, and digital audio while building virtual worlds and vehicles for the game. A few of you have already transformed that passion into professional careers. We applaud you for changing the world.
In 2015, Mars Explorer was officially retired as an active project. Many of you took the opportunity to share a few kind words. Thanks again, dear friends!
In 2017, Terran Labs is thrilled to announce that Syn3h will be carrying Mars Explorer's vision of technology-enabled creative expression into the future. Syn3h connects you with pro-level game design tools for free, and can instantly transform your creations into multiplayer realities shared with a friendly, welcoming community.
The future belongs to creators.
Join us.
• "Your creation led to friendships and experiences that will last us a lifetime." - Spongejax • "Even though I drifted away, I've not found as close-knit a community on the internet anywhere else since, and the times I've spent here will always hold a special place in my memories. Thanks for everything." - AppleSky • "I've made many of my best friends because of your work." - Firestar • "You all helped me get through a rough patch in my life and gave me some of the greatest friendships I'll ever experience and likely remember forever. Mars Explorer has had a huge impact on my life." - Dogwalker • "I've been gone from the game and forums for a while now. The impact on my life, however, still continues. Thanks once again for all the memories, and for allowing me to grow up on here." - TheDude • "Thank You so much for everything Aubrey. This website really changed and shaped who I became as a person and taught me so many wonderful life lessons. I almost feel like I grew up here and that Mars Explorer really was a second home to me." - Ren467 | • "Thank you for making my childhood a very magical one." - Sven • "Thank you for the substantial impact you had on my life, Aubrey. From treating me so nicely after I discovered hacking many years ago and messed around with your administrative privileges to implementing my very first "Eric's Maze" map to giving me programming lessons over Skype, you have been an inspirationally patient, caring, and passionate role model." - Eric • "Mars has been a part of my life for so long. From when I used to play daily games, to now where it's just PMs and occasional forum posts. It's never left my mind. I met so many amazing people on here, had so much fun, and will never forget the times I've had here. Without this place my life would have been a lot different. It's more than a game. It's the people here, the way the site looks, the way the forums work, including all their flaws. All part of the amazing community of Mars Explorer." - MarsReckoning • "I am a Computer Science major today because of this game. You guys successfully sparked what is quickly turning into a lifelong love of working with computers to make our lives better in meaningful ways." - ffroggy |
Thanks for the Christmas cheer, FlyClub!